Chemical Engineering Software. Specializing in the Development of Chemical Engineering Software Crays Pond, Reading, England Specializing in the Development of Chemical Engineering Software & Engineering Consultancy |
Chemcept-Data: A fast and simple physical and chemical properties estimation and calculation system.
Chemcept-Data has been designed for rapid estimation of physical and chemical properties from limited source data. It is available as object code for customers to build into their own programs or (against a confidentiality agreement) as C++ source code. The following properties are computed:
Liquids: Mixture Density (as function of Temperature) Mixture Viscosity (as function of Temperature) Mixture Specific Heat at Constant Pressure (assumed constant) Mixture Heat of Combustion (assumed constant) Gases: Mixture Density (as function of T and P) Mixture Z-value and first Virial Coefficient (as functions of T and P) Mixture Viscosity (as function of T and P) Mixture Heat Capacity (as a function of Temperature and Pressure) Mixture Heat Capacity Ratio (as a function of T and P) Mixture Lower Flammable Limit (assumed constant) Mixture Heat of Combustion ("low" non-condensed water value, assumed constant) Mixture Stoichiometric Oxygen requirement for combustion Mixture Enthalpy (as a function of Temperature and Pressure) Note that the enthalpy is thermodynamically consistent with the heat capacity and the equation of state. Summary of Methods and data used. The equations are based on reduced property correlations. The correlations enable values to be estimated based on very little data. Users can also easily find, or estimate, the required data for additional species. The data required are: Molecular Weight Critical Temperature, Pressure and Volume Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure at Heat of Combustion at STP ("low" value for non-condensed water vapour) Lower Flammable Limit Stoichiometric Oxygen required for combustion. The database has about 50 compounds built in. The database is an ASCII (plain text) file that is easily extended by the user. The estimation system is designed to be integrated with the programs using the methods. The system is written in ISO C++ so that, in principle, it can be used on any computer and operating system with an ISO-compliant C++ compiler. There are significant benefits in direct access to properties through functions rather than accessing them through middleware (the method employed by CAPE-OPEN). Thus, the program writer knows exactly the form of the equations used and the valid range over which they can be employed. The equations can be integrated with end-user programs allowing analytical, or simplified numerical, solutions to be employed instead of iterative methods and numerical integrations. Furthermore, algorithms can include conditional tests to ensure that the properties routines never "blow up", and that sensible results are returned for non-sensible conditions such as extremely high pressures or temperatures. Additionally, valid bounds can be returned to calling programs. Consequently, programs using the methods can be up to 10000 times faster and reliability is greatly improved. Both these characteristics are important in optimization, process synthesis and in design under uncertainty. Automatic optimization methods frequently generate intermediate values that are non-feasible or are orders of magnitude away from optimum. Conventional simulators fail under such circumstances; they are designed to be started with reasonable estimates and they do not solve if starting values are wildly wrong. Chemcept-data loses some of the CAPE-OPEN flexibility to swap estimation methods. However, alternative methods can be employed by adjusting the data values such that the simplified correlations match "rigorous" values exactly. With such an approach, the speed and reliability of the Chemcept methods can be married to the flexibility of CAPE-OPEN. The feasibility and efficiency of this two-level approach has been demonstrated by Johns and Vadhwana in papers published in Trans I Chem E. Even for relatively simple "rigorous" properties, speed gains of over 1000 were achieved. Optimal refitting for a dual-level simulation gave the identical result to the "rigorous" system in 1/20 of the time. Since the work was published, the rigorous systems supplied by the major software companies have become slower and more complex. The Chemcept systems have become faster and simpler. Thus, we would now expect much greater speed gains than we have previously achieved. The Chemcept approach to simulation and optimization is to provide very fast, very robust simulation/design capability. This increase in performance is achieved at some cost in precision. In this respect, our products are entirely complementary to those offered by the major simulator suppliers (such as AspenTech). We certainly do not compete with physical properties specialists such as Infochem UK Ltd. Our systems can get close to an optimal answer very quickly and reliably. The accuracy of their systems is probably in excess of an order-of-magnitude better. Thus, we provide a rapid optimization/synthesis and case-study capability while the systems offered by the major suppliers are needed to verify operability and to fine-tune the optimization. At the same time, our systems are directly applicable where lower precision is inevitable. For example, the properties that we estimate enable pressure drops to be computed within a fraction of a percent of the "rigorous" results. The underlying friction-factor correlations are less accurate than 10%. In these circumstances, the Chemcept System needs no further refining. ![]() ![]() ![]() |